page | Page number of products to return. Returns empty array if the page has no products. If page parameter isn't present, returns the first page | Optional |
size | Number of products to return in a page. If size parameter isn't present, returns the page with 25 products | Optional |
"_id": "521f26edcce8b4310e000079",
"name": "Foo ABC Product",
"price": 1000,
"leads": [
"_id": "521f26eccce8b4310e000074",
"name": "[Sample] Foo"
product_id | Unique identifier of the product | Required |
"_id": "521f26edcce8b4310e000079",
"name": "Foo ABC Product",
"price": 1000,
"leads": [
"_id": "521f26eccce8b4310e000074",
"name": "[Sample] Foo"
name | Name of the product | Required |
price | Price of the product (numbers only) | Optional |
"_id": "527cd58ecce8b4dc4000001f",
"name": "New Product",
"price": 2000
product_id | Unique identifier of the product | Required |
name | Name of the product | Optional |
price | Price of the product (numbers only) | Optional |
"_id": "527cd58ecce8b4dc4000001f",
"name": "Updated Product",
"price": 2500
product_id | Unique identifier of the product | Required |
lead_id | Unique identifier of the lead | Required |
page | Page number of products to return. Returns empty array if the page has no products. If page parameter isn't present, returns the first page | Optional |
size | Number of products to return in a page. If size parameter isn't present, returns the page with 25 products | Optional |
"_id": "521f26edcce8b4310e00007c",
"quantity": 3,
"name": "Foo XYZ Product"
lead_id | Unique identifier of the lead | Required |
product_id | Unique identifier of the product | Required |
"_id": "521f26edcce8b4310e00007c",
"quantity": 3,
"name": "Foo XYZ Product"
lead_id | Unique identifier of the lead | Required |
product_id | Unique identifier of the product | Required |
quantity | Quantity of the product (numbers only) | Required |
"_id": "521f26edcce8b4310e00007c",
"quantity": 3,
"name": "Foo XYZ Product"
lead_id | Unique identifier of the lead | Required |
product_id | Unique identifier of the product | Required |