lead_id | Unique identifier of the lead | Required |
page | Page number of notes to return. Returns empty array if the page has no notes. If page parameter isn't present, returns the first page | Optional |
size | Number of notes to return in a page. If size parameter isn't present, returns the page with 25 notes | Optional |
"_id": "52778360cce8b441c700023f",
"content": "et magnis dis parturient montes, ...",
"author": "Claire Parson",
"author_photo_url": "https://s3.amazonaws.com/...",
"user": {
"_id": "521f26ebcce8b4310e000064",
"name": "Claire Parson"
lead_id | Unique identifier of the lead | Required |
note_id | Unique identifier of the note | Required |
"_id": "52778360cce8b441c700023f",
"content": "et magnis dis parturient montes, ...",
"author": "Claire Parson",
"author_photo_url": "https://s3.amazonaws.com/...",
"user": {
"_id": "521f26ebcce8b4310e000064",
"name": "Claire Parson"
lead_id | Unique identifier of the lead | Required |
content | Content of the note | Required |
user_id | Unique identifier of the user creating the note | Required |
"_id": "527cc3c7cce8b44a7400000e",
"content": "new note ...",
"author": "Claire Parson",
"author_photo_url": "https://s3.amazonaws.com/...",
"user": {
"_id": "521f26ebcce8b4310e000064",
"name": "Claire Parson"
lead_id | Unique identifier of the lead | Required |
note_id | Unique identifier of the note | Required |
content | Content of the note | Required |
"_id": "527cc3c7cce8b44a7400000e",
"content": "New note content...",
"author": "Claire Parson",
"author_photo_url": "https://s3.amazonaws.com/clinchpad-static/avatars/males/1.png",
"user": {
"_id": "521f26ebcce8b4310e000064",
"name": "Claire Parson"
lead_id | Unique identifier of the lead | Required |
note_id | Unique identifier of the note | Required |